Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Registration

Trademark Registration is one of the most prominent services related with trademarks and intellectual property in India and countries worldwide. Hence, our Delhi-based, innovative, and nationwide and internationally renowned IPR law firm essentially extend the best possible and economical services for trademark registration in entire India, and also under many different international treaties and conventions relevant. Here, it is pertinent to mention also that our well-resourced and up-to-date IPR law firm has been extending the full range of legal and advisory services for every major category of intellectual property to Indian and foreign people and companies active in India and abroad.

Today in India, the online trademark registration services are become rather popular, especially after the promulgation of the new Trade Marks Rules, 2017. Performed with perfection, efficiency, and responsibility, our full-gamut of services related with trademarks & service marks encompasses the following trademark processes --- trademark or brand registration, trademark renewal, trademark prosecutions, trademark opposition, trademark watch & monitoring, and trademark infringement litigation. Exclusive and sumptuous information about our highly admired service for trademark application filing is being provided separately under the section below.

Online Trademark Application Filing

The online trademark application filing under any desired trademark class or classes anywhere in entire India is rather convenient and economical. Ours these services are swiftly and expertly available for all various 45 classes of the Nice classification, and under all five regional offices of trademark registry in the country. In general, the entire trademark registration procedure (in India or abroad) covers the following main tasks/processes

  • Creation of a unique and scintillating trademark or service mark
  • Selection of appropriate class(es)
  • Trademark search to ensure indubitable uniqueness and ready registrability
  • Filing the application for registration (Form TM-A) with the relevant regional IPR office
  • Quenching the questions and curiosities of the concerned trademark examiner/registrar
  • Tackling any likely trademark opposition
  • Presenting necessary prosecution for proper and perfect registration
  • Getting the certificate of trademark registration.

All above-mentioned tasks are performed adroitly and scrupulously by our well-learned and veteran trademark/IP lawyers of national and international fame. Again, we offer the service of the free trademark search for convenience to the clients. Here, it is noteworthy that, today also available is the lavish facility for making a request for the expedited processing of the trademark application up to the stage of final registration, through the Form TM-M.

At the international level, our trademark services are proficiently available under anyone or more of the following treaties or conventions --- the TRIPS Agreement of WTO, the Berne or Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol of WIPO, and the European Union Trade Mark (EUTM).

Contact for Trademark Registration

Direct Call : +91-8800-100-281
WhatsApp : +91-8800-100-281
Email : contact(at)TrademarkWorld(Dot)(Co)(Dot)(In)