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Trademark Protection

Trademark or service mark is a vital intellectual property of a company, connected closely for a popular and highly profitable business in any interested economic field at level national or international. Hence, proper and well-rounded trademark protection is compulsory and commonly recommended. Brilliant services for trademark protection in India and other countries of the world, are essential and responsible legal services of ours globally admired law firm based in India. Ours full-fledged and progressive law firm has been extending superb and expeditious legal services in all streams and disciplines of the law to companies and firms located in countries all around the whole world, indispensably including India. In this highly precious and profitable article, we are presenting refined information about our services for trademark protection in india, in strict accordance with the trademark protection act of the country. Comprehensive and proper trademark protection encompasses all those activities and precautions which keep on the unique identification and prominence of a registered trademark in the given jurisdiction, avert misuses of the trademark by other individuals and companies, maintain full effectiveness of the trademark rights, and tackle trademark infringement cases. Renowned worldwide for their superb and dutiful services, ours trademark lawyers and litigators provide these all services for the complete and perfect trademark protection in india and abroad.

Trademark Protection in India

The trademark protection act in india is represented by the new Trade Marks Act of 1999, and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. This federal trademark act of India is responsible for containing rules and regulations for trademark registrations, trademark oppositions, trademark renewals, regulation of trademark rights, and resolution of trademark infringement cases in all across India. For these magnificent purposes, there are well-established several zonal trademark offices in the country in cities like Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad. Each of these provincial trademark offices has certain well-defined jurisdictional area, which covers several other States and Union Territories located nearby, besides the State it is situated in. Our services for trademark protection in india and countries worldwide are - trademark oppositions, trademark watch and monitoring, trademark infringement analysis, timely trademark renewals, and trademark infringement litigation. Small and big companies and firms engaged in various economic fields and established in places all across the whole country of India, have availed our trademark protection services in India and foreign countries. Ours these services for trademark protection at international level worldwide are related with glorious treaties like TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, Berne Convention, and the European Community Trademark.