Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Application Filing and Registration Services in Chandigarh, Punjab

Chandigarh, one of the wealthiest, trimmest, and fast-thriving cities of India, has been a significant client of our prestigious IPR law firm of Delhi, for around a decade. All major categories of intellectual property are adroitly served by our renowned and veteran IPR lawyers, essentially including trademarks and logos. Here, only our trademark registration in chandigarh is described.

Flawless, efficient, and innovative IPR legal services of our well-resourced law firm of international prominence have been utilized by myriads of Indian and foreign clients so far, for industrial and commercial growth. The full range of legal services is offered by our IP lawyers for each broad category of intellectual property, ranging from creation and registration to maintenance and protection in India and abroad. Under the category of trademarks and service-marks, trademark and brand name registrations have been our most popular services. Our trademark services cover all 45 classes of the Nice classification. In past many years, our swift and superb online trademark services became hugely popular, especially in India.

Brand Name and Logo Registration in Chandigarh at +91-8800-100-281

Besides registration of trademarks and service-marks, our services also cover company logo design and registration services at Indian and international levels. All tasks involved in the entire procedure for registration of these, are efficiently and expertly performed by our trademark lawyers of international repute. Hence, people and entities located in Chandigarh may avail our these internationally famous services.

Highly glamorous and famous internationally, Chandigarh of today is fast progressing in many new economic sectors, in addition to constant growth in its well-established economic sectors. In general, the economic fields of Chandigarh served by our well-informed and punctilious trademark lawyers at present are the following for trademark/service-mark and logo registrations ---- basic metals and alloys, machineries and machine tools, food products, paper,pharmaceuticals, electrical appliances, auto parts, sanitary ware, and its fast-emerging fields of outsourcing and IT services.

Entrepreneurs and economic entities of Chandigarh may call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their queries or requests at:;for availing our swift and superlative logo and trademark registration services at the Indian or international level.