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Trademark Application Filing and Registration in India

Well-based in Delhi, our ambitious and innovative IPR law firm is one among the most famous and leading IPR law firms of India, which has also achieved remarkable reputation in many foreign countries. Each major category of industrial intellectual property receives the full-range of expert and innovative legal services from our erudite and internationally renowned IP lawyers.

This lapidary web-article offers exclusive and immensely beneficial information about our trademark registration services in India for all broad 45 classes of the Nice classification. During last one decade, our trademark related services have been utilized by myriads of Indian and foreign clients, for doing business/service in India and abroad. Today, our swift and superb online trademark services in India are provided as per the new Trade Marks Rules of 2017, along with the Indian Trade Marks Act of 1999 and all amendments made thereto so far.

In international arenas worldwide, our expeditious and excellent legal services for trademarks and service-marks are available under the TRIPS Agreement, Berne or Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Union Trade Marks (EUTM). Apart from brisk and best logo and brand name registrations, our other hugely popular trademark services in India and abroad are the following --- trademark/service-mark renewals, trademark prosecutions for various aims, trademark oppositions, trademark infringement litigations, trademark watch and monitoring, and hiring and acquisition of registered trademarks and service marks. The section below, gives separately information about our services for trademark application filing in india to serve Indian and foreign people and entities.

Brand Name and Logo Registration in India at +91-8800-100-281

All five regional offices of trademark registry in India are covered by our trademark registration services, which are located in Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad; and each of these offices commands broad jurisdictional areas. Our trademark and logo design and registration services have been hugely popular in every part of India.

All tasks and processes existing or occurring during the procedure for trademark registration are performed adroitly by our veteran and well-informed trademark lawyers, right from the creation and application filing to quenching any opposition and brilliant prosecution for the best possible registration. After filing the new application Form TM-A for trademark registration, we also file request in Form TM-M on behalf of our client for expedited processing of the application, if need be. Company logos, trademarks, and service-marks pertaining to all businesses and services mentioned in the Nice classification are expertly designed and registered by our trademark lawyers in India and abroad.

Indian and foreign Individuals and various business/service entities may readily ring at: +91-8800-100-281; or send their respective queries or requests to:; for availing our swift and superlative trademark services in India or abroad.