Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Application Filing and Registration in Dehradun Uttarakhand

Prospering rather rapidly for last two decades, and located just around 235 Km from Delhi, the capital city Dehradun has been regularly availing our logo and trademark registration services for nearly a decade, to foster and fasten its economic growth. Get rich info about our online trademark services for this one of the 'counter magnets' of the NCR.

Not only trademarks and service marks pertaining to the 45 broad classes of the Nice classification, our expert and innovative legal services are also readily available for all other broad segments of the intellectual property. Our top-notch, efficient, and impeccable IPR services have made us internationally famous. As far as our trademark services are concerned, the international treaties and conventions covered by our legal services are the following ---- TRIPS Agreement of WTO; Madrid Protocol of WIPO; Berne or Paris Convention; and the European Union Trade Marks (EUTM). The section below, gives exclusive information about our swift and superb services for trademark application filing in dehradun, to serve its entrepreneurs and diverse economic entities. Here, it may be noted that, now our trademark services in India are provided as per the new Indian Trade Marks Rules of 2017, in addition to the provisions and regulations given in the Trade Marks Act of 1999.

Brand Name and Logo Registration in Dehradun at +91-8800-100-281

Individuals, industries, and companies located in this internationally famous and glamorous capital city of Uttarakhand, may avail our logo and brand name registration services for its all economic fields mentioned below separately. These services are available for both Indian and international registrations. Our imaginative and quick logo design and registration services are also rather popular.

Today, for utilizing our trademark services, the following economic fields of Dehradun are most suitable for doing progressive and profitable businesses/services at the zonal and national levels in India, and also at the international level ---- various agricultural and horticultural goods & products (such as Basmati rice, fruits, barley, etc.); nature and religious tourism; education, research, and development institutions; hospitality and entertainment; information technology; retail; and many new emerging fields in the sectors of manufacturing and services.

Ambitious people and diverse economic entities located in Dehradun, may just ring at: +91-8800-100-281; or forward their queries or orders to:; for harnessing our fast and lavish trademark services, for doing profitable and progressive business/service in India or/and abroad.