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Trademark Filing and Registration Services in Aligarh

Ever-growing Aligarh, which has been prominent internationally for its robust locks, quality higher education, and impressive brass hardware items, has been utilizing our swift and superlative trademark services for nearly a decade. This short web-article informs our efficient and expert service for trademark registration in aligarh to propel its ambitious manufacturers and industries.

Nationwide and internationally well-known is ours IPR law firm of Delhi, owing to its fast and flawless legal services for all broad categories of industrial intellectual property. During last one decade, myriads of Indian and foreign entrepreneurs and entities located in India and abroad have been helped and prospered by our mellow and brilliant IPR lawyers of international repute. From us readily available are all legal services for every major category of intellectual property, which range from creation and registration to maintenance and protection of the desired intellectual property in India and abroad. As far as our online trademark services are concerned, the service for brand name and logo registrations has been ours most popular and internationally admired service. Today, our service for brand name registration and other trademark services are provided in compliance with the new Trade Marks Rules of 2017.

Brand Name and Logo Registration in Aligarh at +91-8800-100-281

To people and industries of Aligarh, we offer brand and logo design and registration services for doing business/service in all most prospering and emerging economic fields of Aligarh. The Indian and international registrations of their trademarks and brands are covered. Our erudite and veteran trademark lawyers are well-seasoned in serving all 45 classes of the Nice classification.

As Aligarh is quite near to Delhi (just around 150 Km southeast of New Delhi), and is one of the largest and fast progressing cities of Uttar Pradesh, almost all traditional as well as new economic fields of Aligarh are fast flourishing. The most notable among these fields are the following economic fields ---- brass and bronze hardware items, a wide variety of locks and other securing devices, education and teaching, various agricultural goods and products, zinc die castings, metal sculptures, and many new fields of the manufacturing sector. The applications for trademark and logo registration of people and entities of Aligarh are to be filed with the zonal trademark registry office of New Delhi through the new Form TM-A.

Industries and companies of Aligarh may send their queries or requests to:; or just call over: +91-8800-100-281; for reaping lavish benefits of our expert trademark registration services, in doing business in India or abroad.