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Trademark Registration India

Perfect, responsible, and economical services for trademark registrations in India and abroad, are the fundamental and vital services of ours globally famous law firm based in India. Our fast progressive law firm has been offering decent and swift legal services in all areas of the law for great and unforgettable service to people and companies engaged in the businesses of all economic sectors in India or other countries of the whole world. The trademark registration services are just a part of ours full expanse of expert legal services for intellectual property rights of entities in all economic fields.

All diverse classes of trademarks and service marks are covered sweepingly by ours efficient and fast trademark registration services for trademark registration india. Again, both national and international trademark registrations of Indian entities are proficiently escorted by ours internationally famous trademark attorneys. For doing business at national level, the trademarks or service marks of companies located in India are registered under the federal law consisting of the new Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. Depending upon the location of the desirous company, any of the zonal trademark offices is contacted for registration; these are situated in Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad. Our attorneys adeptly and dedicatedly offer all services during the entire trademark registration process in India and abroad, as per the demands of our clients. The international registrations are accomplished under the globally acclaimed international trademark conventions or treaties of the TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, the Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. As far as trademarks are concerned, we offer legal services for trademark oppositions, trademark infringement analysis, trademark renewals, trademark prosecution for diverse objectives, and trademark infringement litigations, besides the trademark registrations.

Get your Trademark Registration done with expert trademark professionals starting from TM Search. A team will guide for successful trademark registration. Interested people may avail our services through contacting us via or +91-8800-100-281.