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Company Registration Punjab

Because of being one of the immensely developed States of India, both in agricultural and industrial sectors, Punjab has been receiving and utilizing ours superb legal services quite profitably for a long period. In this creative and beneficial article, presented exclusively are vital things regarding company registration punjab. Located in the northwest part of India, Punjab is one of the most fertile lands in the whole world, and has been producing about 20% of wheat, 15% of cotton, and 11% of rice of entire India, and is therefore, popularly known as the granary of India. And, in industrial sector, Punjab has been progressing fast in various significant economic fields mentioned in the below paragraphs. Therefore, ours well-equipped and globally connected law firm based in India cherishes to provide the whole gamut of legal services for well-rounded and lavish economic development of this one of the richest and most prosperous States of India. All elegant and popular forms of companies and firms are covered comprehensively and masterly by ours company registration services in Punjab, which are explained separately in the lower section. Besides company registrations, all other necessary and securing legal services for smooth and optimally profitable businesses at local, national, and worldwide levels are also offered to companies and firms located in all across Punjab by us.

Company Name Registration in Punjab

Though all economic fields of Punjab are suitable for establishing a new company in, today the most profitable and progressive fields of Punjab are related with agro-based goods and products, scientific instruments, electrical equipments and goods, textiles and garments, machine tools, agricultural equipments, sports goods and equipments, fertilizers, bicycles, sewing machines, information technology, tourism and hospitality, leisure and entertainment, financial services, and several other products and fields. These all roaring economic fields of the entire State are served by ours company name registration in punjab. For setting up companies and firms anywhere in Punjab, proper registration of these entities is made with help of the office of registrar of companies located in Chandigarh (in sector-27B, Madhya Marg), under the rules and regulations given in the Indian Companies Act,1956. For company registration punjab, offered services by us are mature and expert consultation for selection of perfect company, helping in making of DINs and DSCs, getting governmental consent to the proposed names of the new company, filing all forms and application in connection with company registration, making impeccable MOA and AOA of the company, getting requisite permissions from regulating bodies for company registration, representing our client before the concerned ROC, and acquiring certificates of registration and starting of business.