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Trademark Renewal India

Ours fast progressive and globally prominent law firm located in India is famous worldwide for its full extent of legal services in all significant and vital areas and disciplines of the law. For precious trademarks and service marks also, we deliver the full expanse of legal services essentially including the trademark renewal services in all across India and countries of the whole world at levels national and international. Due to expert handling, punctual service, and perfect work, ours services for trademark renewals are now quite popular in countries worldwide. In this enlightening article, we are providing detailed information especially about ours trademark renewal services for trademark renewal india and other countries of the world, separately in the lower section.

For preserving the recognition and validity of any registered trademark, and maintaining the full effectiveness of the trademark rights within the given jurisdiction, punctual trademark renewal is performed regularly. If the due trademark renewal is not made timely, the registered trademark or service mark may lose its accreditation with the concerned trademark office, and all trademark rights granted to the owner of the registered trademark would be made ineffective, for all types of commercial or professional uses, within the concerned jurisdiction. The initial registration of a trademark protects it for a duration ranging from seven to ten years, in most of the countries worldwide. In India, such duration is set for ten years from the date of registration of a trademark with any zonal trademark office of India.

Trademark Renewal Services

The due and recommended time for trademark renewal in India is within ten years from the date of registration of a trademark or service mark, or from the date of its previous renewal. Ours reputed law firm located in India has been rendering perfect and punctual services for trademark renewals of Indian companies and firms at national and international levels, for a long successful time. In India, the trademark renewal is executed with the concerned regional trademark office under the jurisdictions of which our client company is located. Thus, we have been undertaking and performing trademark renewals under all zonal trademark offices of India, which are established in Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad; and these offices cover the whole country for registration and renewal of trademarks belonging to all economic fields. For overseas renewal of trademarks owned by Indian entities in various fields, ours amply experienced trademark lawyers provide trademark renewal services under the TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. Our other services for trademarks and service marks falling under all trademark classes are trademark registrations, trademark oppositions, trademark consultations, trademark watch and monitoring, trademark infringement analysis, and trademark infringement litigation. As is with ours all other legal services, these services related with trademarks are delivered in places all across India and in countries worldwide, impeccably and economically.