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Trademark Application Filing and Registration in Ludhiana/Amritsar/Jalandhar

These three major and steadily galloping cities of Punjab have been internationally famous for many industrial goods and products. For example, Amritsar is known for its quality carpets and fabrics, Jalandhar is famous for various sporting equipments and furniture items, while the India's Manchester Ludhiana is renowned for bicycles and sewing machines. This concise web-article gives exclusive info about our trademark registration services for these cities.

Well-based in Delhi, our prestigious IPR law firm has been an internationally acclaimed IPR law firm of India owing to its world-class and innovative legal services for all major and most popular segments of the intellectual property. So far, Indian and foreign people and economic entities forming a mammoth number have utilized our perfect and propelling IPR services. The full coverage of legal services is available from our veteran and updated intellectual property lawyers and litigators for each major category of intellectual property, essentially including the segment of trademarks and service marks. Today, our prompt and perfect online trademark services are fast getting more and more popular in India.

The lower section describes our services for trademark application filing in ludhiana, amritsar, and jalandhar, to serve and prosper bold and ambitious entrepreneurs and economic entities located in these three cities of roaring Punjab.

Brand Name and Logo Registration in Ludhiana/Amritsar/Jalandhar at +91-8800-100-281

Our expeditious and excellent trademark and logo design and registration services are receivable by industries and companies of Ludhiana, Amritsar, and Jalandhar, for doing business/service in the desired economic fields at Indian and International levels. Today, our trademark services are performed as per the new Trade Marks Rules of 2017.

The applications for brand name registrations of entities located in cities all across Punjab are filed with the regional trademark registry office of New Delhi. Now, such applications are filed through the new Form TM-A. Making request for expedited processing of any such application at all stages up to the registration stage, is now also possible, through Form TM-M.

The most suited economic fields of these cities for harnessing our securing and propelling trademark services are stipulated here separately for each of these three cities. In Amritsar, the most thriving economic fields at present are various agricultural goods & products, carpets & fabrics, tourism & hospitality, handicrafts, light engineering and manufacturing, information technology, and many new fields of the sectors of manufacturing and services. For Jalandhar, such prospering economic fields today, are the following --- sporting equipments, furniture items, glass and glass products, etc. And, in Ludhiana, the most progressive economic fields at present are the following --- bicycles, sewing machines,two-wheeler parts and tractor parts, apparels and garments, machine parts, industrial equipments, household appliances, information technology, and many other fast-developing fields in the manufacturing and services sectors.

To avail our trademark services for prospering rapidly in India or abroad, people and economic entities of Ludhiana, Amritsar, and Jalandhar may readily call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their queries or orders to: