Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Application Filing and Registration in Meerut

One of the major and rapidly progressing industrial cities of NCR and India, Meerut has been internationally famous for its many industrial goods and products. Through trademark registration services of our internationally reputed IPR law firm of Delhi, numerous people and entities of this 'Sports City of India' have been prospered so far.

Ours one of the hugely famous and top IPR law firms of India offers the full-scale of legal services for each and every major category of industrial intellectual property, to Indian and foreign clients engaged in various economic fields in India and abroad. Bold and innovative manufacturers and industrialists of this second largest industrial city of NCR have availed our first-class and reasonably-charged services especially for the categories of trademarks and logos, industrial designs, and patents, during last one decade. Today, in this one of the major and fastest progressing industrial cities of western Uttar Pradesh and NCR, our online trademark services are rather popular. Its close vicinity to Delhi (distant around 70 Km) makes our prestigious and reliable IPR law firm, an easy and perfect choice to people and industries of Meerut. The lower section exclusively describes our superb services for trademark application filing in meerut to serve and propel its innovative and highly ambitious entrepreneurs and manufacturers.

Brand Name and Logo Registration in Meerut at +91-8800-100-281

Today, our brand name registration services in India are provided as per the new Indian Trade Marks Rules of 2017, and the Trade Marks Act of 1999 (including all amendments made in this Act so far). The applications of people and entities of Meerut seeking trademark registrations are filed with the regional trademark registry office of New Delhi.

Now, after filing the application for trademark registration through the new Form TM-A, an applicant can file a request for fast-track processing of the application in the Form TM-M, in case of urgent registration of a trademark or company logo. All below-noted economic fields of Meerut are comprehensively covered by our impeccable and efficient services for registration of trademarks and logos. Our logo design and registration services have been immensely popular amid industries and entrepreneurs of Meerut. Lastly, all tasks ever required for trademark/logo registration, are adroitly performed by our trademark lawyers of rich experience and repute.

Applicants located in Meerut, may avail our expeditious and excellent trademark registration services for doing business and service in the following industrial and economic fields of Meerut at present ---- sports goods, paper and publishing, musical instruments, education and teaching, battle gears and armory, chemicals, light engineering including transformers, information technology, pharmaceuticals, gold designing and jewelry, handlooms, scissors,and many other emerging industrial fields.

Individuals and industries of Meerut may promptly call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their requests to: at:; for harnessing our quick and top-quality trademark services, for doing business/service in India or abroad.