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Trademark Application Filing and Registration Services in Agra

Historic and globally famous city of Agra is at present one of the rapidly progressing cities of North India, and hence, an immensely important to our fast-prospering IPR law firm of Delhi. This short webpage describes our service for trademark registration in agra, to help people and business entities located in this city of thriving economy.

Internationally commended for offering top-notch, innovative, and expert IPR services, our well-connected and well-seasoned IPR law firm provides the complete coverage of legal services for all main and major categories of industrial intellectual property, for doing business/service at the Indian as well as international level. Our online trademark services cover all 45 classes of the Nice classification of goods and services. Today, our trademark services in India are provided as per the latest Trade Marks Rules of 2017 and the existing Indian Trade Marks Act of 1999. Our service coverage for trademarks and service-marks includes the following tasks:

  • Conceptualization, Designing, and Registration of trademarks and service marks
  • Trademark Renewals
  • Trademark Prosecutions for the desired objectives
  • Trademark Oppositions
  • Trademark Infringement Litigations
  • Hiring and Acquisition of Registered Trademarks/Service-Marks
  • Trademark Watch and Monitoring

Brand Name and Logo Registration in Agra at +91-8800-100-281

The logo and brand name registrations of individuals and industries located in Agra are performed under the regional intellectual property office of New Delhi. These people and entities of Agra may avail our trademark and logo design and registration services for doing business/service in any or more of the economic fields mentioned below.

Containing many magnificent buildings and monuments of the Mughal-era, Agra has been progressing fast in a large number of traditional and modern economic fields during past many decades. Among these economic fields, the following have been most prominent ---- tourism, hospitality and entertainment, leathers and leather goods, handicrafts, carpets, marble and stone carving, silver and gold jewelries, sweets & snacks, agricultural goods and products,garments, information technology (IT), electronics, biotechnology, iron foundries, etc.

Interested applicants belonging to Agra may avail our logo and trademark registration services, just through phoning up over: +91-8800-100-281; or submitting their relevant queries or requests at: